Based on World Bank data, the potential concentration of
Coal Methane Gas is the largest in Borneo and Sumatra. In East Kalimantan, among others, scattered in Berau containing approximately 8.4 TCS, Pasir / Asem 3 TCS, TCS Tarakan 17.5, and 80.4 Kutai TCS. Barito regency, Central Kalimantan, has a 101.6 TCS, TCS 52.5 Central Sumatra, South Sumatra 183 TCS, and TCS 3.6 Bengkulu, Jatibarang (West Java) 0.8 TCS, and TCS Sulawesi 2.
Coal Methane Gas Production in Sangatta I The results of drilling the first wells in the block of coal methane gas (coal bed methane / CBM) Sangatta I, East Kalimantan, reaching 12 m3/ton or 424 SCF / ton per day and planned to start production in early 2011 to come.
According to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ephindo CBM Holdings Inc (Ephindo) Sammy Hamzah, at 2011 production targets inline with Government targets CBM production early 2011. Total gas that can be produced on the 12 m3/ton or 424 standard cubic feet (standard cubic feet / SCF) per ton.
The results of initial production will be supplied to meet the needs of gas plants. Faster production in accordance with government regulations if the gas should be produced before the development plan (plan of Developmental / PoD) is complete.
Block Sangatta developed by the consortium of PT Pertamina Upstream Energy with Energy Methane A Sangatta West Kalimantan CBM Inc., Ephindo subsidiary, with a commitment value of the first 3-year contract worth U.S. $ 7.7 million. Blok ini memiliki cadangan CBM terbesar yakni 6,49 triliun kubik standard (TCS). This block has the largest CBM reserves of 6.49 trillion standard cubic feet (TCS).
After Sangatta, CBM in Indragiri Hulu with Prima Mineral Samantaka as operator with the South Sumatra basin that have the resources TCS 5.50. Lowest resource block is located in Sekayu, Medco SBM Sekayo as operators with the South Sumatra basin with TCS 1.70.
Reserve Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Indonesia's current 450 that is large enough spread in TCS and 11 basin Greatest potential lies in the Barito area, East Kalimantan, which is approximately 101.6 TCS, followed by approximately 80.4 Kutai TCS.